What Our Clients Say

Recent testimonials from our clients.

My favorite part about partnering with INCLOT is that they treated me with kindness and compassion and that translates directly with how professional my interaction with the company has been. I as well as others have worked with other consultants in the industry before yet when I spoke to Richard, he was able to connect me with professional prospects from the first phone call. Read More…

Brandon Collins

Director of Funding

I want to express my appreciation for INCLOT LLC for their unwavering commitment to helping us staff our department. At first, the INCLOT process was very new to both me and our department and we had a limited time to obtain certification for our current members to maintain satisfactory expectations for our upcoming audit. Read More…

Kayla Belt

HR Recruiting Supervisor

I am responsible for research and development within my department. To this day I continue to utilize multiple connections I have made through consulting with associates at INCLOT. Our research department has been growing quickly making connections across multiple states. Using INCLOT has allowed us to source and explore candidates to help in future internal server infrastructure as well as other web-based programs we want to explore. Read More…

Jonathan Berthiaume


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